My Curation Artifacts in Relation to the 4 Levels of Reflection

Sharing Bag Activity & Levels of Reflection 

For starters, being a reflective teacher is a good trait to have and allows students to also portray these reflective qualities especially when they get to know you as their teacher. Students will hopefully reciprocate my mannerisms that is why it is important to be the best role model for your students.

Whats in my bag you ask?

- Italy Hat
-My Mother's ultrasound picture of me
-Swiss Chalet Bag
-Article on my Sister-in-law
-KeepSake Cards from Students in my Volunteer Experience 

The 4 Levels of Reflection on my Items
1.     Self-Reflection
-This activity fits under this level because I value what I believe in and believe in what I value. This activity will provide a personal level of interaction with my students. I value my students and believe they have the potential to make a difference in the lives of others. Hearing each other out while sharing this activity I hope students will get the message to be culturally inclusive because we all have different stories waiting to be told.
2.     Surface Reflection
-This activity fits under this level because this activity focus on strategies and methods used to reach predetermined goals. As an educator we always teach to get a response in return. We are here to assess and a great way to do that is by having your students share. This sharing bag activity allows you as an educator to use different strategies and methods when creating the activity and will hopefully lead to your predetermined goal of assessing your students based on what they shared. As an educator I need to be concerned with what works in the classroom to keep students on track. This activity will do that because it will all students to give their full attention to those presenting.
3.     Pedagogical Reflection
-This activity fits under this level because by allowing this activity to be done in class I am reflective of who I am as a person to my students and providing them with a basis to do the same. What I practice is what I preach therefore I would include this activity in my classroom.

4.     Critical Reflection
-This activity fits under this level because I can be critical of myself and ask myself if this activity is appropriate and effective in including everyone in my classroom. I would want to ensure everyone gets a fair chance to present their sharing bag and have enough time to speak to the class about what makes them who they are.

What purpose might this Sharing Bag activity serve /when might you choose to use it?

For this activity I chose specific items that mean a lot to me and have helped shape who I am today. I chose the bag that I did because it is where I work. I thought it would make sense to use a Swiss chalet bag because it has been my only job for the past 6 almost 7 years. I feel that even when I become fully employed and secure a teaching position I will still be working my part-time job at Swiss Chalet for a little while longer.  The second item I brought was my mom’s ultrasound. I thought this would be a cool thing to show because when I found it I got excited! What a great way to give you a glimpse into my life… all the way from the beginning! The third items are a few chosen hand-made cards that I have kept from my volunteering experience. Two of the cards really mean a lot to me. One of them I misplaced and was not able to find it! That one in particular was a card written by an autistic student who really provided me with joy throughout the school year. He was such a great kid and so smart. The other card that stood out was one from a child who had some behavioural issues. Though it was not easy to calm her down during some episodes, she really was an amazing student with the biggest heart. His and her words hold a special place in my heart. The last item I chose is very dear to my heart. As some of you may not know.. I am very family oriented.

In my life I have experienced great loss in particular with someone who has watched me grow up and confirm me. She was my brothers wife, my sister-in-law, my role model. Christina was taken way too soon at the age of 30 from the most devastating of all…Cancer. During her battle and at the last leg of her life, the Hamilton Spectator had contacted my brother and wanted to do an article about her. I couldn’t find the article it is somewhere tucked away. I will post the link to the article for you all to read. Christina was truly an angel and I wish my nephew would have known her. Her and my brother spoke because they knew how much I loved her wedding dress so she told my brother to tell me that she wanted me to have her wedding dress. As a promise to her I swore I would wear it one day and I am holding myself to it. I loved her so much and I think it is important to tell people about her and about my family and I and our experience of losing her. That great loss is what made me the person I am today. It has taught me to be thankful for everyone I encounter in my life because they can be an inspiration to you as well as that life is TOO short! We don't know how much longer we are going to have so treat everyday as if it were your last. As a teacher in training I want to keep that saying in my classroom and remind my students to make everyday a good day. 

The purpose this Sharing Bag Activity serves is to bring all your students together in order for them to appreciate who they will be growing and learning with in your classroom. You want to promote a culturally inclusive classroom and by introducing this activity your students can learn about their fellow classmates. They will get to explore their friend’s cultural identity and learn about where they each come from. As well, it will hopefully give students a purpose to not judge others after sharing with everyone. I would hope that this activity would mean acceptance for everyone because everyone has had his or her own journey in life. As an educator I would use this activity at the beginning of the school year perhaps within the first two weeks and use it as a get to know each other activity. Not only do the students learn something new about each of their classmates but also about the teacher who will be with them for their newest journey.

LINK to the article related to my family:

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